Brett Kavanaugh’s decisions on environmental issues give me great cause for concern. He has a long track record of favoring business interests over the health of people and the earth. He has voted to limit Environmental Protection Agency rules involving issues like climate change and air pollution. He has a long history of anti-environmental decisions. Upon review of Kavanaugh’s tenure on the D.C. Circuit, the League of Conservative Voters found votes and opinions that sided with polluters over people on a regular basis. I recently read that the group Concerned Women for America of Maine support Kavanaugh with the statement that he is “impartial, just, and thoughtful.” I would ask for factual information that would support that statement.

What concern could be more important than our environment and the air that we breathe? Since Kavanaugh was so evasive during Senate questioning, the only way to know where he stands on important issues is to check his record — and it is not good when it comes to decisions that will affect our health for generations. It is time for Sen. Susan Collins to do the right thing and not support this nominee.

Dorothy D’Alessandro


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