With Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Center for Reproductive Rights will for the first time in 25 years oppose a nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kavanaugh did not follow legal precedent as a lower court judge. The Supreme Court has throw out or modified old court decisions. Based on Kavanaugh’s ruling in the Jane Doe case, Sen. Collins should vote no.

Kavanaugh lied under oath when he was nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Kavanaugh worked for President George W. Bush, and many of those papers are being withheld from the Judiciary Committee.

The normal process to gather these papers is to use an independent source. The October deadline of the independent source was not fast enough for Sen. Chuck Grassley, committee chairman. Kavanaugh’s colleague from the Bush years was selected for the research.

The independence of the screening process is to insure that the committee will have a complete and objective information to base their decision. Why did the committee select a colleague of the nominee to screen and select the papers? What was the rush? Why not wait for these papers to be screened by an independent party? There should be no vote until an independent screening process is completed.

Some of Kavanaugh’s writings state that any current president should not be subject to subpoena or indictment. Senators, no person is above the law.

Kavanaugh did not support the Affordable Care Act and took positions that limit a woman’s right to chose. President Donald Trump stated he would only nominate judges who oppose the ACA and Roe v. Wade. The committee and president changed the procedures for screening nominees.

Senators, too much is at stake to hope that this nominee will keep “settled law.” Vote against Kavanaugh.

Rodney Hatch


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