A Yarmouth woman who worked with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh issued a statement late Thursday reaffirming the support she expressed for him in an opinion piece published before Christine Blasey Ford accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers.

“From 2002 to 2006, I worked at the White House for President (George W.) Bush, and during that time, I got to know Judge Kavanaugh quite well,” Sarah Day said in an email. “He was a quiet and encouraging force to the female members of the staff, like me. Judge Kavanaugh worked to provide me with opportunities outside of my normal duties. He boosted my confidence in my place in the administration, and I know he did the same for others.

“I never saw Brett behave with anything but the utmost decency and respect towards everyone, woman or man. I was honored to support Judge Kavanaugh with my opinion piece from September 10, and I am honored to reiterate my support for him today.”

During his opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Kavanaugh cited the Another View column Day wrote for centralmaine.com as evidence of the efforts he has made to encourage and promote the careers of women.

Day, who lives in Yarmouth with her husband and two children, is vice chair of the Yarmouth School Committee. Her op-ed appeared on Sept. 10, two days before the accusations against Kavanaugh first began to circulate in the media. Ford wasn’t named as his accuser until Sept. 16.