Alan Caron, candidate for governor, believes in building a new economy in Maine by growing jobs through incubators, job training and energy independence.

As managing partner in Travel Startups Incubator, with investments in 21 startups, I believe Alan understands Maine’s future must be driven by technology investment, creating new companies and high-paying jobs for Maine’s economy.

Alan’s mantra, “grow jobs here,” resonates with me. Quietly, private-public economic development initiatives are growing around the world. Through cash investments and the incubation of startups, large institutions, including cities and countries, are building companies in their locales.

Tech startup founders from around the world would come to Maine to get funded, and we can incentivize them to stay and grow here. You’d be amazed at the effect $25,000 cash, an opportunity to build your dream, and domain expertise from advisors and mentors has on a team of 25-year-olds from around the world.

Matt Zito


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