Not every politician does what they say they will do, but Sen. Shenna Bellows is unique. In 2016, when she asked me to endorse her, she said she would do everything she could to support veterans, state workers and senior citizens. I did a tour as a petty officer in Vietnam. I retired from the Department of Public Safety in 2008, where I was an emergency communications specialist. Anything that impacts veterans, state workers, law enforcement or senior citizens is important to me.
Bellows did all she promised. Every time we veterans needed her, she was there. Every time we retired state workers needed her, she was there. Every time we senior citizens needed her, she was there.
I’m a registered Republican who was proud to support Bellows for the state Senate in 2016, and I’m equally proud to support her re-election this year.
Let’s keep a good thing going. I’m voting for Shenna Bellows on Nov. 6, and I hope you are too.
Bill Crowley
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