I keep reading in the paper about the drive to keep plastic grocery bags out of Waterville. It’s a good idea. There seems to be a lot of fuss over nothing, because there’s an easy solution. Here’s my take on the issue.

First of all, our planet is drowning in plastic. There are islands of plastic debris in the ocean that are bigger than Maine. Plastic is polluting our water, our fish and our own bodies. We can’t fix it all, but we can do our bit. We can, as much as possible, reduce our use of single-use plastic. We can cut back our use of plastic-bottled drinks.

Get a stainless or glass water bottle and carry it with you. Get yourself some reusable grocery bags and bring them to the market with you. It took me a while to get in that habit, but now I have. Just as I don’t leave my keys in the car, I bring my bags in with me to the market.

I have found the bags everywhere, at thrift stores, at lawn sales, and right in the supermarket. Once you get the bags, just keep a couple in the car and get in the habit of grabbing a couple as you head into the market.

You won’t be saving the planet, but you’ll be doing your little bit. That feels good.

Abby Shahn


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