Party affiliation:



China Village

Social media accounts:





BA, criminal justice and communication

Community Organizations:

Thurston Park II Committee for China; Economic and Social Development Committee for China; former member, PTA Board at Albion Elementary


Personal information (hobbies, etc.):

Photography, hiking, gardening

Family status:

Married, 4 children

Years in the Legislature:



Committee assignments (if elected):

Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry


1) What legislation do you support, if any, to address the state’s opiate crisis?

I support L.D. 1892 and the expanded coverage of uninsured Mainers to obtain treatment. Expanding eligibility for Medicaid coverage, voter approved in November 2016, would help 70,000 more people.

2) What legislation do you support, if any, to address failures in the state’s child abuse prevention system?

I support current passed legislation from this August. Expanding DHHS workers, increasing salaries for workers and expanding funding for clinical help for workers.


3) Should schools continue to push forward with proficiency-based diplomas? Why or why not?

Not enough information has been provided by experts one way or the other to convince me to either side. I do know that having schools decide individually is an end run around the system. All or not.

4) Are you in favor of some type of universal health care for Maine residents? Why, or why not?

Yes. When implemented in full this is the best system for health care. When modifications take place between bickering parties is where the brilliance of the system falls apart. i.e. the ACA.

5) Do you support Question 1 (the 3.8% tax to fund the home care program)? Why, or why not?

No. This issue is addressed by a fairer, single payer universal heath care system. If done correctly there is no need for additional taxes. Also, I do not agree with this tax bracket for the tax.


6) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?

Absolutely. This is one of the main reasons that I am an independent. I have no party affiliation, will talk to and work with anyone. My dedication is to the people of Maine and no one else.

7) Tell voters something about yourself that they don’t already know, and might surprise them.

I have lived in several states and overseas. I am the farm manager for our small farm/goatscaping business. I am passionate about ending food insecurity and bringing back a boom of local small farms.

Speed Round

Should voters be required to show ID at the polls?
