For 25 years I have owned and managed Maine Kyokushin Karate in Norway. My congressional representative, Bruce Poliquin, voted for H.R. 6760, a $3.9 trillion tax cut for his wealthy donors that threatens small businesses like mine.

It will double down on last year’s highly controversial tax legislation. By 2024 61 percent of the tax benefits from that bill will go the wealthiest 1 percent of business owners and only 4 percent will go to the bottom two-thirds. That would mean massive cuts to our infrastructure spending, health care, education, and our local budgets.

So why would Poliquin vote to double down on tax breaks to the uber rich at the cost of working Mainers? He has taken $1.6 million from political action committees and just 1.07 percent of his campaign donations were from small donors giving less than $200.

Liesha Petrovich


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