RICHMOND — Vandals have forced Richmond to closes its waterfront park restrooms.

The town has experienced a string of frequent vandalism. Most recently, the damage inside the small brick building — vandals ripped down stall dividers in the men’s restroom — was significant enough for police to make the decision to shut it down.

Police estimate $500 to $700 worth of damage has been done to the waterfront facility since Memorial Day.

Prior damage included paper towel dispensers that had been torn open or wet paper towels stuck to the wall. The damage ramped up recently, becoming more costly to repair.

“Throughout the summer we’ve had some form of vandalism every couple of weeks,” said police Chief Scott MacMaster. “We just decided to close it while repairs are happening.”

Police currently don’t have any suspects but are hoping more information comes to light.


“We’re just trying to find who’s responsible,” MacMaster said.

MacMaster said the cameras in the park angled toward the river are used mainly to deter potential vandalism or damage to boats docked nearby. It’s possible police still could get new information from the cameras, but the department has hours of footage to go through to potentially identify a suspect.

The police chief added talks have begun about addressing the blind spots left by cameras in the waterfront park.

MacMaster said the waterfront vandalism was the most consistent in town. Police occasionally receive calls about portable toilets tipped over in parks or graffiti at the Little League field.

Repairs are expected to be completed and the building will be reopened in time for Richmond’s Halloween Festival.

Anyone with information on the vandalism is asked to call the Richmond Police Department at 737-2615.

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