Augusta Bridge Club

AUGUSTA — Augusta duplicate bridge club winners for Wednesday were Paul Mitnik and Paul Sherman, Fred Letourneau and Sharron Hinckley, Ken Harvey and Diane Bishop, and Nancy Lindgren and Nancy Lenfest. Winners on Thursday were Nancy Fritz and Stefanie Barley, Debby Gardiner and Paul Sherman, and Diane Bishop and Ken Harvey.

The club meets at 1 p.m. Wednesdays at Granite Hill Estates, 60 Balsam Drive, Hallowell, and 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at Kennebec Plaza, 20 Willow St., Augusta. All are welcome; a partner is guaranteed.

For more information, call 485-2530.

Fairfield Bridge Club

FAIRFIELD — The Fairfield nonsanctioned bridge club winners on Tuesday were Diane Bishop and Jackie Chadbourne, who placed first; Carroll and Audrey Harding, second; and Pat Kick and Joanna Denis, third.


The club meets at 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday at the Elks Lodge, Industrial Road in Waterville. Bring your own partner.

For more information, call 453-2410.


HALLOWELL — Spectrum Generations William S. Cohen Community Center, announced its bridge winners.

Game day bridge winners on Wednesday were David Lathe, who placed first; Sally Nelson, second; and Gene Murray, third.

Bridge winners on Thursday were Fran Wadleigh, who placed first; Tom Gillette, second; and Ted Williams, third.


Cribbage is played Mondays, game day bridge Wednesdays and bridge Thursdays at the center. For more information, call 626-7777.

Waterville Bridge Club

WATERVILLE — The Waterville nonsanctioned bridge club winners on Thursday were Lee Lenfest and Madeline Poulin, who placed first; Alice King and Dick Quinlin, second; Peggy Thompson and Anita Mathieu, third; and Pat Nutt and Dennis Perkins, fourth.

The club meets at 11 a.m. Thursdays at Spectrum Generations Muskie Community Center, Gold Street. Bring your own partner.

For more information, call 872-5932.