This is a critical year for the future of health care in Maine. After eight years of the LePage administration, Maine has dropped from eighth in the nation to 23rd in America’s Health Rankings. LePage has blocked Medicaid expansion and gutted public health infrastructure, often in defiance of the Legislature and the will of the voters.

Fortunately, Mainers have an opportunity to reverse this decline and elect a governor who will work to improve health care and restore civil discourse. That person is Janet Mills.

I have known Mills for 30 years as a district attorney, member of the Maine House, attorney general, and as a friend. She has always put the interests of ordinary Mainers first. She support victims of domestic violence. She has purchased naloxone for first responders and supports using MaineCare funds for medication-assisted therapy for opioid dependency. She has acted while others have just talked.

Jay Naliboff, M.D.


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