On Oct. 17 in Hallowell at the Public Utilities Commission hearing, Kurt Beverage, a retired Central Maine Power employee, said, “This project will help unbundle the wind resources in western Maine.” Unbundle means to separate business activities, meaning that wind transmission lines from western Maine would not have to connect with the Kibby Wind Project, if that would even be possible anyway. New England Clean Energy Connect would change things drastically. Once permitted, the adjacent 150-foot corridor for wind transmission is set to go. Wind transmission lines could now go to a substation or another wind project to get to the grid.

Another very important subject is that Quebec may have current unfilled green energy mandates or will have in the future. There may very well be a plan to transmit wind power from the western mountains to Quebec via NECEC in exchange for hydropower. Sending power north or south from Maine’s western mountains could be impossible without NECEC.

There are maps out with the Marshall Yard in Johnson Mountain Township with the name Somerset Wind on it. There have been many wind proposals during the last 15 years or so. There could be hundreds of wind towers in a straight line from northeast to southwest along Misery Ridge, Chase Stream Mountain and Cold Stream Mountain, junctioning with NECEC at Somerset Wind or today’s Marshall Yard. It is well known that many landowners want in on the wind hoax. No one is ever conceivably going over or under the Kennebec Gorge with wind transmission lines alone and there would surely be other obstacles for wind transmission without the hydro investment behind it.

Politicians Joel Stetkis, Ann Amagon and Paul Davis are all running against NECEC specifically because they believe that it will lead to wind expansion.

Kerry Hegarty


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