“Listen, learn, lead — in that order”, says independent candidate for governor Terry Hayes. Her lifelong public and political service to Maine proves she leads and succeeds.

As representative, Terry fought for our group of rural communities during a zoning law change, when others in the Legislature supported opposing forces with high-paid lobbyists. The only candidate running a Clean Elections campaign assures voters she wants no part of a “you owe me” government system.

Very good at looking at both sides of a situation, Terry sincerely wants Maine to prosper and be a sure bet for educating and raising healthy families. Currently Maine’s state treasurer, she has common-sense ideas to make our economy grow. Republicans and Democrats twice voted her into that position; they know Terry unites, not divides, always asking “What’s best for the people of Maine?”

Voting Terry Hayes as our next governor is what’s best.

Kay Michka

Lexington Township

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