I can’t stand it when people say girls are too soft to hunt. We all know that’s not true.

This youth hunting day I shot my first deer. It was a doe. The weight isn’t important. We don’t usually weigh our deer, but my goodness she was huge. My stepdad sure struggled to get it in the bed of the truck. She probably weighed around 120 pounds.

Anyways, I don’t like it when people assume things about girls. I think this is one of the biggest problems our generation has — the assumption that only a man can do something, when actually a woman can do it too. It just tears me to pieces.

When we took the doe to the butcher, a man walked over to me and my stepdad. I was wearing jeans, a sweatshirt and a hat. “I would like to congratulate this young man,” the man shouted from the doorway. I took off my hat to reveal my hair. “Actually I am a woman, thanks!” I replied.

I think I was nice, but it ate me from the inside out. I was asked many times if it was me or my stepdad that shot the doe. Of course it was me — it was youth day!

People don’t understand what women can actually do in this world, so can’t we have a little respect?

Aly Marschall


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