HALLOWELL — Police said a man was injured Saturday night after a sharp object reportedly was thrown or discharged at him on the Kennebec River Rail Trail.

Hallowell police Chief Eric Nason said the man told police that he was approached by two men who asked him for money shortly before the incident. Police responded to a suspicious activity complaint at 10:26 p.m. Saturday after a man reported being hit with an object, causing a laceration near his knee.

The man told police that he was walking on the rail trail toward Hallowell when he was met by two men who asked him for money to buy cigarettes. He refused and continued walking, but when he got about 20 feet away from the two men, he was struck near the knee by a sharp object.

“There was some sharp object that was either thrown or discharged at him by two unknown suspects,” Nason said. “He thought he heard a couple pops, but certainly not consistent with a gunshot.”

After being struck, he told police, he ran away from the trail and flagged down a passing vehicle. The driver took him to the hospital, where he was treated and released shortly afterward. No evidence of the discharged object was found through x-rays and medical tests or at the scene.

Nason said the man was not chased or robbed by the two people he ran into on the trail.


“He frequents the rail trail and he hadn’t seen (the two subjects) before,” he said. “Just something very strange happened.”

Nason said people should stay away from dark areas such as the rail trail and should be aware of their surroundings to prevent such situations.

“It doesn’t matter where you’re at; if you’re in a parking lot or on the rail trail at night, you have to be vigilant,” he said. “People need to be aware of their surrounding and be on a swivel.”

The investigation is ongoing. Nason said no suspects have been identified.

Sam Shepherd — 621-5666


Twitter: @SamShepME