AUGUSTA — A Bronx, New York, man admitted Wednesday to dealing drugs — in the parking lot of a Waterville recreation facility geared to children — and was sentenced to 60 months in prison.

Jermaine Blunt, 34, pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated trafficking drugs, two involving heroin and one involving cocaine base that occurred May 15-17, in the parking lot of the Boys and Girls Clubs & YMCA of Greater Waterville at the Alfond Youth Center on North Street. The youth center, which is also near the municipal pool, basketball courts and a playground, has some 5,000 members and has programs for children as young as toddlers.

The offenses were charged as “aggravated” because the location of the alleged trafficking is an area classified as a “safe zone,” which includes such areas as an athletic field, park, playground or recreational facility, according to Maine law.

Blunt also pleaded guilty to a charge of failure to provide correct name, address and date of birth. An affidavit by Waterville Police Officer Luis Rodriguez which was filed at the court says Blunt refused to have his photo taken and would not give his name or date of birth, only saying he was form the Boston area. His fingerprints were sent to the FBI, which identified him as Blunt. He also is known as “Shawn” or “Jamal,” Rodriguez noted.

An affidavit by Waterville Police Officer Duane Cloutier, also filed at the court, says he and three other law enforcement officers placed a wireless transmitter on a confidential informant, provided “buy money” and had him call “Shawn” for drugs on May 15. Cloutier said “Shawn” said to meet at the parking lot of the youth facility.

The case had been set for jury selection this week.


Blunt also agreed to forfeit $2,100 in cash which was seized from him when he was arrested May 18.

His attorney, Kevin Sullivan, noted that Blunt had prior drug convictions in New York.

Betty Adams — 621-5631

Twitter: @betadams