Cruel. Shameful. Illegal. Racist.

This are how I describe the Trump administration’s current policy toward immigrants.

Family separations, despite outcries last summer about how children are taken from their parents, are still happening.

They are demonizing and tear-gassing Central Americans and other refugees who are fleeing for their lives to the U.S. border in the face of violence in their home countries.

They are denying migrants of their legal right to ask for political asylum in this country or making it so onerous and lengthy that refugees give up.

There are attacks on those with darker skins while immigrants from Europe enter the U.S. without controversy.


Meanwhile, Congress complains but does little to stop this ongoing tragedy.

All immigrants should be treated humanely with respect and compassion, just as we would want to be treated ourselves. We should be speaking out against this horrible treatment of victimized refugees, offering support to immigrant groups in Maine and beyond, and sending donations to groups which provide services and support to the refugee caravan in Tijuana.

Larry Dansinger


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