This is in response to a column by Drs. Akshu Balwan, Seth Blank and Alfred Proto on Nov. 29, “Community Compass: Time to learn about lung cancer risk.

Free ME from Lung Cancer is the only nonprofit based in Maine dedicated solely to raising money for research, and helping high-risk patients get access to early lung cancer screening and low-income homeowners get access to radon air abatement systems.

It is strongly encouraged that if you are diagnosed with lung cancer or any other life-threatening disease that you seek a second opinion outside the medical facility that diagnosed you. There are many treatment options that may not be available to the patient, such as clinical trials offered by some of the best research facilities in the nation, such as Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Not all facilities partner with hospitals that can provide clinical trails and other treatment options offered by Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

It is important that you get the facts about your diagnosis, treatment options and where best to have treatment. Further, our foundation say a small grant to help high-risk uninsured patients get access to early lung cancer screening using low-dose CT scan while funds are available. Contact me at 215-9035 if you have any questions.

Deb Violette


Free ME from Lung Cancer


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