I have voted for Rep. Bruce Poliquin in past elections. I decided to vote for his opponent this year based on the vicious television ads that the representative used against Jared Golden, along with his ducking of the press and his lack of concern for Mainers and their health care. Now with his reaction to his loss, I am more pleased with my choice (“Contesting ranked-choice loss, Rep. Poliquin asks judge to order a new election,” Nov. 29).

Going against the will of the people of Maine is repugnant. Would Poliquin have challenged the constitutionality of ranked-choice voting if he won? Of course not. Is he acting like a true public servant? Not at all.

Poliquin is forgetting that Maine people have long memories. With a close election loss and his past victories, he had a future in other Maine elections. Now he has sealed his fate as a sore loser.

Tullio Nieman


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