When the Gardiner City Council meets this week, it will consider adopting a series of changes to the city’s E911 ordinance.
A public hearing and final reading of the proposed ordinance is scheduled for Wednesday, and councilors are expected to vote on the changes.
Among the changes being considered is shifting the responsibility for assigning road names and numbers from the City Council to the E911 addressing officer, offering guidelines on naming or renaming streets, and determining how property owners will be notified of changes. It also details how appeals to decisions would be handled, including how notice should be filed and who serves on the Addressing Ordinance Appeals Board.
Councilors also are expected to:
• Discuss care of trees in the city
• Consider extending the pledge agreement for Johnson Hall past Dec. 31
• Consider their annual delegation of authority for some duties to staff members
• Consider appointing Kelly Gooldrup as Gardiner’s registrar of voters for a two-year term
• Review statements of interest from candidates interested in filling the District 2 City Council vacancy created by the election of Patricia Hart as mayor, and determine the interview schedule
• Consider accepting minutes.
An executive session is scheduled for the end of the meeting.
The council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the council chamber at Gardiner City Hall, 6 Church St.
Jessica Lowell — 621-5632
Twitter: @JLowellKJ
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