The new Democrat-majority U.S. House of Representatives made some news on their first day. A Muslim woman, a Democratic member from Michigan, spoke profanities at a rally against President Donald Trump (“Pelosi dismisses some Democrats’ talk of impeachment,” Jan. 4). What does that say for civility in the Congress? With Democrats openly spewing profanities about our democratically elected president, could we expect bipartisan efforts to move our country forward? What do those profanities do for Islamic American relations? When questioned by the media Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not comment about the freshman congresswoman. I wonder what Maine’s representatives, Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden, think of the congresswoman’s potty mouth?

Democrats will vote for $54 billion for foreign aid, as well as money to countries that burn our flag and shout “Death to America,” but not one dollar for funds for a southern border wall, a wall that will curb illegal immigration, many of whom are gang members as well as sex traffickers and drug traffickers. Do we really care about the opioid crisis in this country?

And where is the sympathy for the policeman killed by an illegal alien and gang member? Do Democrats care more for gang members than they do border security for our own country?

Does anyone recall the 2016 presidential debates where then-candidate Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the election? He was criticized for his answer. Now elected Democrats practice resistance to President Trump, hating President Trump more than they love the country. Hypocrites all.

David Alexander


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