I strongly object to our pardon law showing more concern for the convicted than those who might have been the victims. The present law clearly allows for misuse or abuse. (“LePage pardoned former Republican lawmaker against clemency board’s recommendation,” Jan. 3).

As a state representative, Jeff Pierce sponsored legislation that shows he was involved in law enforcement issues, including “An Act to Require That Information on Prisoners’ Furlough Be Reported to the National Crime Information Center, Department of Public Safety,” “An Act To Expand Use of Electronic Monitoring in Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Cases,” and an act to allowing hunting on five Sundays for each of the seasons. During this same time the vote on highly debated and contentious 2016 referendum question that would have required background checks on gun sales.

People with moral character know that if convicted of committing a crime, you should admit to it, pay your price to society and correct your character such that you are a law-abiding citizen. With all the news and controversy about gun violence in our country, there is no way that Pierce was unaware that he was breaking the law. Then to say it was just “dirty politics” — his own words — indicates he doesn’t even qualify for pardon consideration.

Consider Lexius Saint Martin, who changed his life and became a valued member of his community.

Here we are — secret pardon power that can be used to inflict pain and/or be abused.

This is disgusting and an example of extremely poor legislation and the abuse of power by those who are elected to represent us. This makes a joke out of “equal justice for all.”

The law governing pardons must be reviewed to ensure it serves all people of Maine, not just the applicant or a governor with a political agenda.

Michael Grove

Belgrade Lakes

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