AUGUSTA — A man threatening to use a weapon robbed the Big Apple convenience store on Stone Street Monday night, police said.

The robbery was reported at 7:21 p.m., the Augusta Police Department said in a news release. A caller reported that the man made the threat and demanded an undisclosed amount of money. The man fled the store before police arrived.

Deputy Chief Kevin Lully said Tuesday morning the suspect was wearing “dark clothing” and threatened to use an “edged weapon,” without disclosing any additional details. He said the suspect fled on foot, but did not say what direction.

The same Big Apple store was robbed last month, as well in March 2014August 2015 and June 2016. In 2014, Jeremy McCaslin was convicted of robbery and sentenced to 15 years in prison for the crime. In 2015, Paul G. Fazzi and Daysha D. Hannan were convicted on counts of robbery and theft. In 2016, Abraham C. Matt was convicted of robbery and sentenced to 42 months in prison. Last month, Justyn E. Wilson made an initial court appearance on charges of robbery and theft.

Augusta police, who are investigating, asked that anyone with information about the robbery to contact the department at 626-2370.

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