NORTH VASSALBORO — April vacation At The Mill, 934 Main St., will offer a chance to paint your own Disney character from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 14, and from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 18.

The cost is $15 for an 8-by-10-inch canvas, drawing and materials. All ages are welcome.

A $5 deposit is requested with character choice by Wednesday, April 10.

Also, Wheelin’ Around the Mill, with skating and biking, is planned from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 16.

A $5 donation is requested, and snacks will be available. Parent/guardian must attend and sign a waiver.

Skaters and bicyclists must bring their own equipment, helmets are required.

To RSVP or for more information, call 314-4940.

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