The Rangeley Friends of the Arts has announced a call to artists for three different juried shows with cash prizes: Art in August — an outdoor Art and Crafts Show and Sale, The Western Mountain Photography Show — a juried competition and exhibit, and The Artists Trail Fine Art Exhibit — a new juried show of original art.
The RFA’s 39th annual Art in August will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, in Oquossoc Village in the Rangeley Lakes Region. This open-air exhibit and sale will feature cash prizes in two categories. The application deadline is June 15.
The Artists Trail, a new joint project of the Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust and the RFA, will designate 15 specific scenic sites in the Rangeley Region for photographers and “plein air” painters.
• Photographers: The Fifth annual Western Mountain Photography Show is scheduled for Sept. 14-30 at the Lakeside Contemporary Art Gallery. Photographers can submit up to three images to earn cash prizes in two categories. The opening reception and awards ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. The deadline for digital submissions is July 19.
• Artists: The Artists Trail Fine Art Exhibit, a new juried show of original art in any medium, will feature the sites of the Artists Trail from Oct. 5 through Nov. 2.
For more information and application forms, call 864-5000 or visit
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