Maine people should carefully consider the proposed Central Maine Power western Maine power line project heading to Massachusetts. This power line extension once constructed will fragment a large area of Maine wilderness. It will create a vast scar on the landscape through our most remote and wild places.

These are places tourists and Mainers love to come to and be able to hike, swim, raft, camp and just enjoy the “Maine Brand” experience. This will effect close to 700 wetlands or bodies of water, disrupt wildlife migrations, cross the Appalachian Trail two times as well as the Kennebec River Gorge, and change forever “the way life should be.”

In addition, in order to maintain the line forever  concerning the land beneath it, it will have to be sprayed from the air yearly to deter tree growth with known carcinogenic herbicides like Round Up. This herbicide has been linked to cancer in humans and in wildlife. Drift will incur damage to waterways and wetlands.

Mainers should think about what we’re getting into. This is a bad deal for our land and waters, people and wildlife. Raise your voice loud and clear, say no. Call CMP. Call the Public Utilities Commission. Call the Department of Environmental Protection.


Kevin Flanagan
