When the Gardiner City Council meets this week, it will consider extending the temporary ban on adult-use cannabis enterprises in the city for six more months.
When Maine voters legalized marijuana by a narrow margin in November 2016, local and state officials started to examine how a legal marijuana market would operate in the state. More than two years later, state officials have not yet completed their work in creating regulations for the market, and cities and towns are waiting for that information before they enact local regulations.
The city had enacted similar temporary bans in 2017. The latest was put in place at the end of October 2018 and is set to expire later this month.
Gardiner has two medical marijuana shops on Water Street; neither of these are affected by this temporary ban.
A public hearing is scheduled on the matter has been scheduled for Wednesday before the vote takes place.
Elected officials are also expected to hear an update on changes to the annual Swine & Stein Oktoberfest, put on by Gardiner Main Street.
They are also expected to:
• Conduct a public hearing on and consider renewing a liquor license for Pasta’z Inc.
• Conduct a public hearing on and consider renewing a liquor license/bottle club for Gardiner Sportsmen’s Club
• Conduct a public hearing on and consider approving a new liquor license for The Bench
• Hear an update on the Kennebec Regional Development Authority/FirstPark by Jim Dinkle, executive director
• Consider waiving the $50 fee for the Cobbosseecontee Community Kiosk on the Harrison Avenue Nature Trail
• Consider approving a special event permit for the Memorial Day Parade
• Consider approved a special event permit for the Waterfront Park Classic Cruise-In
• Review the four tax-acquired properties that are being proposed to be sent out for bid
• Accept the minutes of the March 20 meeting.
The Gardiner City Council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the City Council chamber at City Hall at 6 Church St.
Jessica Lowell — 621-5632
Twitter: @JLowellKJ
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