Name: Tara Vought
Age: 26
Title: Independent consultant
Company: Lemongrass Spa Products, Fairfield
About: Vought creates spa experiences in homes, offices and as fundraising events with natural, organic products for men, women and families.

Tara Vought
What’s your biggest challenge right now?
Reaching people. I leave my business cards everywhere I go. I advertise online, and I try talk to as many people as possible. And I leave my catalog in different waiting areas and stuff like that. So far, it’s OK. Usually, I reach about one person a month, so far. I went to a Business Networking International event, I went to a Chamber of Commerce event a couple of weeks ago, and I do vendor events.
I love interacting with people. A lot of people like the natural products we provide.
Also I am looking into adverting options, with Coffee News and the newspaper, and I am looking into more chamber events (at the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce) so I can get my face out there for people to see and network as much as I can that way.
Who has influenced you most in business?
I have been in direct sales before, but I guess I didn’t find the right company. I found Lemongrass Spa because I was looking for a moisturizer that didn’t make my face hurt. My mother introduced me to this company and I absolutely fell in love.

My mother always did direct sales when I was growing up. I saw how much joy she had in it. I have a similar personality, so I thought I could definitely do that. Her name is Yolanda Vaughn. She sold a little bit of everything. She’s done Princess House and Stampin’ Up, (making cards with stamps) that’s what she doing now.
What was your biggest misconception about being in business?
I guess the wake-up call is that you don’t get instant income. You have to work just as hard working for yourself than you do working for other people, if not harder. It’s part time, and I like it being part-time. I feel like I would like to get more effort for what I put in, but I have a few sales a month, and I count that as success.
How do you foster creativity in yourself?
I look toward what other consultants have done for success. We have a big group online where we support each other. We all help with ideas. There may be areas of the country were an idea will work better. I do get good ideas there. I haven’t tried it yet, but my next endeavor is to go to parties. You have a bag of items someone wants to try, and put a couple catalogs in there. They can take it for a couple days and they can get outside orders if they want. If they want to order, great. But if not, at least they have been pampered in their homes for a few days.
Where will you be in five years?
Hopefully, I can have team members, and be able to share these experiences with as many people as I can. Team members wouldn’t work for me. They would be part of my team and I can help guide them to success.
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