UNION — The Vose Library Plant Sale Crew seeks additional crew members, as well as donations of perennials (potted and labeled) or permission to lift, divide and replant beds of perennials, with permission to retain a portion for this highly anticipated annual sale.

Crew members should be willing to travel throughout Knox County for a volume of plants.

This plant sale is held each year on the first Saturday of June on the Union Common in Union. This year’s rain-or-shine sale will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and also will feature a bake sale.

To donate time or plantings, or for general inquiries, text or call Chuck Huus at 841-1990, Rebecca Albright at 975-3946, or Laurie Warden at 664-9801, or call the library at 785-4733.

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