
The VA Maine HealthCare System will hold its annual Memorial Day observance on Monday in the Togus National Cemetery. The observance will be conducted first in the East Cemetery and then immediately afterward in the West Cemetery. Meet in the B205 parking lot by 7:45 a.m. Cars will depart for the East Cemetery promptly at 8 a.m.

The observance is for veterans and the public.

For more information, call Jim Doherty at 623-5714



Willett McKenney American Legion post 186 in Clinton will lead the Memorial Day parade from Railroad Street to the Riverview Cemetery Civil War monument.

The parade will begin at 10 a.m. Monday at the Clinton post office, 15 Railroad St.


For more information, call Dale Hanson at 426-8144.



A Memorial Day observance will begin at 11 a.m. Monday at the flagpole on the parade ground of the 1761 Pownalborough Court House, 23 Court House Road, in Dresden.

Masonic Chaplain Bruce Alexander, of Dresden, will lead the program of honor for fallen soldiers. After being called to order, the participants will proceed up the woods road a few hundred yards to the courthouse cemetery, where veteran soldiers of three wars will be remembered. The group will return to the flagpole for the raising of colors to full staff, followed by a gun salute given by the Living Historians.

For more information, visit or call Jay Robbins at 737-2239.




The town of Fairfield’s Memorial Day parade will start at 11 a.m. Monday at the Fairfield Community Center at 61 Water St. Line-up will begin at 10:30 a.m.

The parade route will turn onto Main Street, proceeding to Western Avenue, then to Maplewood Cemetery.

For more information, call 453-2567.



Goodrich-Caldwell American Legion Post 6, 114 Second St., has announced the schedule for its Memorial Day observance on Monday.

Participants in will gather at 9:15 a.m. at 114 Second St. and proceed in a parade to Hallowell Cemetery, halting at the Civil War monument. Participants can assemble at 10:30 a.m. at the Civil War monument, with opening remarks by Commander Maureen Malley, and an invocation by the Rev. Thomas DeRaps. the Hall-Dale High School band will perform “America the Beautiful” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Placement of a wreath at the monument will be done by Mike Madden, followed by taps and echo by the Hall-Dale band and a medley of songs by Joan Morgan and Jean and Don Davenport.


The parade will reform and proceed to Legion Park. Malley will open the ceremony with invocation by Post 6 Chaplain Steve Mairs, followed by Hall-Dale High School Band performing “God of Our Fathers.” The Memorial Day address will be given by past post Commander Roger Theberge. “God Bless America” will be performed by Nancy McGinnis, followed by the placement of the wreath by Hugh Stevens. The Hall-Dale band will do taps and echo and the National Anthem. Steve Lemieux will perform “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes. The closing benediction will be given by the Rev. Nancy G. Bischoff, pastor of Cox Memorial United Methodist Church.

A service will then be held at the Hallowell waterfront on Winthrop Street. A prayer will be given by Post 6 Chaplain Steve Mairs, with taps performed by Nancy McGinnis and a Hall-Dale High School bugler, and placement of a wreath by Carroll Whitman.

For more information, call Adjutant Jerry Stuart at 582-4713.



Smith-Wiley American Legion Post 4 in Gardiner will hold its annual Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on Monday. 

The parade will start at 10 a.m. at the Gardiner Armory on Brunswick Avenue and proceed down Brunswick Avenue to the Gardiner Common, where a ceremony with speakers and bands will be held.


For more information, call Roger J. Paradis, Post 4 adjutant, at 582-9868.



A Memorial Day parade will start at 10 a.m. Monday, with line-up at 9 a.m., at Garret Schenck School, 19 Ken Taylor St., in Anson.

Ceremonies will follow at the Anson Veterans’ Monument in front of the Anson Town Office, 5 Kennebec St., Anson, and at Madison Public Library, 12 Old Point Ave., Madison, with guest speaker Rep. Chad Grigon. A luncheon for parade participants will be served after the parade by the American Legion Auxiliary. Memorial Day ceremonies also are scheduled for 1 p.m. at the Joseph Quirion Monument, East Madison Road, in East Madison; for 2 p.m. at the Starks Community Center, 57 Anson Road, Starks; and for 3 p.m. at Madison Veterans of Foreign Wars, on Preble Avenue in Madison.

For more information, call 399-6422.




The Memorial Day parade and ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. Monday in Monmouth Center.

For more information, contact Don Morin, post adjutant, American Legion Post 204, at at


The Oakland Memorial Day parade will start at 10 a.m. Monday, going from Main Street to Church Street.

The Oakland American Legion post also will have a food tent set up on Church Street.

For more information, call Paul Dubois at 692-3565.


Memorial Day parade participants should assemble at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the Wayne Community Church’s parking lot at 22 Old Winthrop Road.


The parade will begin at 11 a.m. and proceed down Main Street to Pond Road and back to the Veterans Memorial Stone on Pocasset Lake, where a wreath-laying ceremony will take place. The parade then will proceed to Veterans Memorial Park, where the formal program will continue. Gina Lamarche, editor of The Wayne Messenger, will be the guest speaker. If it rains, services will be held at 11 a.m. at the Ladd Center.

For more information, call Doug Stevenson at 685-9005 or Don Welsh at 685-4117.



The Memorial Day parade and other activities, organized by Forest J. Pare Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1285, of Waterville,, will start at 9:30 a.m. Monday, with a wreath-laying ceremony in Castonguay Square, next to City Hall. A second wreath will be laid at 9:50 a.m. at the Two Cent Bridge at Head of Falls, near Front Street.

Afterward, the parade will start at 10 a.m. from Head of Falls, march north on Front Street, turn left on Appleton Street and proceed to Elm Street, where ceremonies will be held at Veterans Memorial Park. Afterward, lunch will be hosted by the VFW at its post at 53 Water St. for parade participants.

VFW post Commander Daniel Parker and Waterville Mayor Nick Isgro will speak at the park ceremony. Isgro also will be grand marshal of the parade. Besides VFW members, those expected to march include Boy and Girl Scouts, Waterville Elks, Knights of Columbus, Waterville school bands, Bourque-Lanigan American Legion Post 5 and others.

For more information, email