AUGUSTA — Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap recently announced the names of the winners of the 2019 Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Contest.
The annual contest allows Maine students from grades K through 12 to participate, with older students submitting essays regarding the Maine Constitution, voting and democracy; and younger students creating posters reflecting Maine history or symbols. The essay contest is for students in middle school and high school. It is divided into two categories:
The theme for grades 6-8 was The Maine Constitution.
• Reese Sullivan, a seventh-grade student in Helen Beesley’s class at Windsor Elementary School, received top honors in this category for her essay titled State Parks: The History and The Memories.
The theme for grades 9-12 was The Importance of Voting and Democracy.
• Brent Bellanceau, a sophomore in Laura Fralichs’ class at Arthur R. Gould School in South Portland, took first place in this category for his essay titled The Importance of Prisoners Votes.
The poster contest, open to students in grades K through 5, is broken into two categories, with a theme of “Maine Symbols” for grades K-3 and “Maine History” for grades 4-5.
• Ethan To, a second-grade student in Fran Greenleaf’s class at Ralph M. Atwood Primary School in Oakland, received top honors for his symbols poster, which depicts Maine animals.
• Mackenzie Shields, a fourth-grade student in Kathy Moody’s class at C.K. Burns School in Saco, took first place for her poster depicting the Maine Ice Storm of 1998.
The posters were judged this spring by three members of the Maine Legislature who volunteered their time: Sen. Robert Foley, R-York, Rep. Chloe S. Maxmin, D-Nobleboro, and Rep. James R. Handy, D-Lewiston.
To learn more about the program and view winning entries from this year’s contest and past contests, visit
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