Summer nature workshop at the Wilhelm Reich Museum Stephanie Chu-O’Neil

The Wilhelm Reich Museum offers Sunday afternoon nature workshops programs to help locals and visitors gain a greater awareness of Rangeley’s special surroundings.

The museum welcomes long-time residents, new community members and summer visitors. The region’s brightest experts will “wow” all with their knowledge.

Details:  Sunday afternoons, starting July 7, 2-4 p.m., held in the Outdoor Sheltered Classroom, rain or shine.  Free of charge. Dodge Pond Road, Rangeley.  FMI: 864­-3443

July 7: Using and Benefiting from Essential Oils and Herbs: Learn about common essential oils and herbs that you can use in your daily life for consumption, aromatherapy, cleaning, and basic first aid.  We will make some tea and/or sachet blends, as well as some take-away projects using essential oils.  Erin DeCoste, a special education director and 4-H leader, and her daughter Ayla, will share their knowledge.

July 14: Frogs and Amphibians: Maine amphibians disappear in winter and again in the hottest days of summer. Where do they go and how does a cold blooded animal survive those -20 degree winter days?  Which salamanders are the best parents and can tadpoles recognize their siblings? We will discover the secrets of Maine’s  amazing amphibians with Jan Collins.

July 21: Foraging for Edible Plants in Rangeley: Join Tina Falasco on a gastronomical walk through some of the beautiful trails at the museum.  Take this first step to becoming a knowledgeable, respectful forager, and enjoy some of the most common, overlooked, renewable wild edibles that grow abundantly in the Rangeley area, as well as your own backyard.


July 28: Clues to Identifying Ferns: The presentation will cover basic fern morphology and the clues to identifying them.  We will look at preserved specimens and then search for ferns in their natural habitat and practice the clues to identifying them.  We will also use a dichotomous key to identify them, with Lynda Fournier, Maine Master Naturalist.

Aug. 4: To be determined

Aug. 11: Maine Mushrooms, A Mushroom Primer: Returning once again to wow us all with mushroom facts, edible vs. toxic, and how to identify Maine mushrooms. Bring a magnifying glass, field guides and come hear what Michaelene Mulvey has to say about all aspects of mushrooms. Mulvey is the director/president of the Maine Mycological Society.

Aug. 18: Surviving in the woods of Maine: Start off with how not to get lost. Move on to what to do if you do get lost, including finding or building shelter, and things to do so you can be found. You’ll also learn how to stay calm and not to panic, with Ken Rand.

Aug. 25: Signs and Structures of Local Insects: Did you ever wonder where all of the bugs go during winter? Have you ever seen an oak or goldenrod gall and wondered what’s happening there? Join us to see examples of cocoons, pupae, egg cases and nests made by insects common to Maine, with Anthony Underwood, Maine Master Naturalist.