It is Pride Month and I am feeling the love. Love trumps hate, right? However, it is hard to escape news of the Trump administration’s anti-LGBTQ policies. As a Mainer who has been told over and over that Sen. Susan Collins is a voice for us in D.C., I find myself asking: Where is Collins?

While businesses, restaurants, and homes all over Maine are flying the LGBTQ flags to celebrate Pride Month, the Trump administration prohibited American embassies from flying LGBT flags. Where is Collins?

While the Maine Legislature recently passed a ban on gay conversation therapy, Vice President Mike Pence has been a vocal supporter of the practice. Where is Collins?

Trump’s rhetoric has inspired increased hate crimes and violence against marginalized groups, including the LGBTQ community. In his first year, hate crimes rose almost 20 percent, and counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes. Where is Collins?

I keep thinking about how hard we worked in Maine for our basic human rights. It has been 35 years since Charlie Howard was murdered. And I still hear slurs by people in my community. So we aren’t done with this work in Maine or nationally. So where is Collins?

I see the senator on Facebook a lot. But can we have a town hall? During Pride Month even? Because I need to know why Collins hasn’t been around for us.



Cornelius Donovan V



(Editor’s note: A previous version of this letter misrepresented Sen. Susan Collins’ actions on protecting transgender Americans. Collins has introduced or supported legislation to provide protections.)