AUGUSTA — A Litchfield man has been indicted on kidnapping and multiple domestic violence charges in connection with an overnight manhunt by police in August that resulted in his arrest.
Joshua Tilley, 36, was indicted last week by a Kennebec County grand jury on charges of kidnapping, domestic violence criminal threatening, domestic violence terrorizing, and domestic violence assault.

Tilley was arrested Aug. 21 following an hourslong manhunt over two days after he was accused of kidnapping and threatening a woman with a knife.
Police responded to a property on Dead River Road in Litchfield after receiving a text message from a woman sent Aug. 19 to 911, stating “he’s going to kill me.”
Police eventually made contact with the woman, who said Tilley had kicked her and tried to stab her with a knife.
They tried to contact Tilley and set up a police perimeter near the intersection of Dead River and South Adams roads and entered the home at about 9 p.m. on Aug. 20.
At about the same time, however, Tilley had snuck through the perimeter and into the woods, according to police, setting off a manhunt that lasted into Wednesday morning, when he was arrested after residents reported seeing him.
The indictment on the kidnapping charge states Tilley “knowingly restrained” the victim with the intent to terrorize her.
An indictment is not a determination of guilt, but it indicates that there is enough evidence to proceed with formal charges and a trial.
Also indicted last week was Lukas Mironovas, 16, on murder and conspiracy to commit murder charges, an indictment his lawyer, Pamela Ames, previously said was to be expected.
Mironovas, one of three teenagers accused of killing his mother, Kimberly Mironovas, in Litchfield last year, waived his right to argue he should be tried as a juvenile as part of a plea agreement with state prosecutors and approved by a judge Sept. 18.
In that agreement with the state, Mironovas agreed that if he is indicted by the grand jury, he would plead guilty to charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder. The agreement caps his sentence for those crimes at 35 years, meaning he would at least serve the minimum sentence of 25 years, but no more than 35.
Others indicted by a Kennebec County Grand Jury last week:
Quincy T. Abrams, 39, of Augusta, aggravated unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs, fentanyl, June 19, in Augusta.
Jonathan Afanador, 24, of Bronx, New York, four counts of unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs including one count involving cocaine base and one count involving heroin, June 24, in Augusta, and one count involving heroin and one count involving cocaine base, June 25, in Augusta; three counts of aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, including two counts involving heroin, June 26, in Augusta, and one count involving cocaine base ,June 26, in Augusta; two counts of unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, including one count involving heroin and one count involving cocaine base, June 26, in Augusta; and criminal forfeiture of $739, one handgun and two magazines of ammunition.
Jacqueline Bragg, 57, of Vassalboro, theft by deception, June 1, in Waterville.
Debra A. Brown, 58, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking, June 5, in Waterville.
Brandon L. Calden, 26, of Sidney, domestic violence criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, domestic violence assault, and violation of condition of release, Aug. 18, in Augusta.
Joseph Carter, 52, of Augusta, burglary and theft by unauthorized taking, June 2 in Augusta, theft by deception and theft by unauthorized taking, May 21, in Augusta, and theft by unauthorized taking, May 19, in Augusta.
Anthony Dow, 28, of Augusta, two counts of unlawful trafficking in scheduled W drugs, one involving heroin, the other cocaine base, June 25, in Augusta; three counts of aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, two involving heroin and one involving cocaine base, June 26, in Augusta; two counts of unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, one count involving heroin the other cocaine base, June 26, in Augusta, and criminal forfeiture of $739, one handgun and two magazines of ammunition.
Martin A. Fernald, 28, of Waterville, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, Fentanyl powder, unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs, cocaine base, and violation of condition of release, May 31, in Waterville.
Nikeshia Knight, 20, of Waterville, unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs, heroin, and violation of condition of release, Aug. 17, in Waterville.
Robert W. Jordan, 70, of Vassalboro, aggravated criminal mischief, reckless conduct with a dangerous weapon, a vehicle, driving to endanger and leaving the scene of an accident involving an unattended vehicle, April 19, in Vassalboro.
Iziah Harrell, 32, of, New York, New York, three counts of aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, two involving cocaine base one heroin, and one count of aggravated furnishing in schedule W drugs, methamphetamine, June 19, in Augusta.
Richard A. Hilton Jr., 41, of Norridgewock, passing a roadblock, operating after revocation, two counts of criminal operating under the influence, driving to endanger, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, and unauthorized use of property, all July 2, in Waterville.
Dwayne E. Levasseur, 47, of Benton, violation of condition of release and violation of a protective order, between July 24 and July 27, in Oakland.
Jeffrey James Mador, 20, of Waterville, burglary, criminal mischief and theft by unauthorized taking, May 20, in Waterville.
George Martino, 43, of Gardiner, aggravated assault, July 30, in Gardiner.
Levi F. Mason, 41, of Vassalboro, domestic violence assault, domestic violence criminal threatening, assault, and criminal threatening, July 9, in Vassalboro.
Robert A. McFee, 42, of Monmouth, criminal operating under the influence and operating beyond license condition or restriction, May 1, in Monmouth.
Michael Stephen Phillips, 31, of Augusta, domestic violence assault, Aug. 6, in Augusta.
William Daniel Nagy, 30, of Augusta, unlawful sexual contact, involving a child under the age of 14, between April 20, 2015, and March 1, 2018, in Augusta.
John A. O’Connor, 55, of Waterville, aggravated assault, domestic violence assault, domestic violence criminal threatening and refusing to submit to arrest, June 20, in Waterville.
Ryan Mark Owen, 31, of Winslow, robbery, Feb. 6, 2015, in Waterville.
Arthur E. Pierce, 51, of West Gardiner, two counts of aggravated assault, allegedly with a dangerous weapon, a bat; domestic violence assault; domestic violence terrorizing and terrorizing, all on or about July 7 in West Gardiner.
Joshua Sanchez, 29, of Bronx, New York, three counts of aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, two involving heroin and one involving cocaine base, June 26, in Augusta; two counts of unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, one count involving heroin the other cocaine base, June 26, in Augusta; conspiracy to commit aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, June 26, in Augusta; conspiracy to commit unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, June 26 in Augusta; and criminal forfeiture of $739, one handgun and two magazines of ammunition.
William T. Sevon, 46, of Pittston, unlawful sexual contact, visual sexual aggression against a child, and unlawful sexual contact, all involving children under the age of 12, between Aug. 1, 2017, and April 1, 2019, in Pittston.
Dakota S. Smith, 21, of Clinton, aggravated assault and violating condition of release, July 4, in Clinton.
Zachery Smith, 28, of Waterville, assault, June 8, in Augusta.
Wayne E. Sudborough II., 46, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking, June 30, in Winslow.
Naomi Swift, 29, of Augusta, aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, cocaine base, Jan. 16, in Augusta; unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, cocaine base, Jan. 16 ,in Augusta, aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, heroin and fentanyl, Jan. 17, in Augusta, unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, heroin and fentanyl, Jan. 17, in Augusta, aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, cocaine base, Jan. 17, in Augusta, and unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, cocaine base, Jan. 17, in Augusta.
Katherine E. Todd, 35, of Augusta, domestic violence criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, and criminal mischief, July 22, in Pittston.
Dontey Williams, 29, of Augusta, aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, cocaine base, Jan. 24, in Augusta.
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