HALLOWELL — Incumbent Hallowell City Councilor-at-Large George Lapointe kept his seat in a comfortable win Tuesday, defeating challenger Matthew Radasch by a 440-216 vote.

George Lapointe

Lapointe, a former commissioner of the Department of Marine Resources, has served on the council since 2015. Radasch, who runs his own business that manufactures cosmetics and skin-care products, would have served his first term in city government had he won.

Diana Scully, who is the executive director of the Maine Justice Foundation, earned 160 votes in an unopposed race for the Ward 3 City Council seat. Incumbent Ward 3 Councilor Kara Walker did not run for reelection. Walker told the Kennebec Journal in September that she was stepping away from the council to spend more time with her family.

Incumbent Regional School Unit 2 school board member Dawn Gallagher won reelection over Peter Spiegel by a 340-273 vote but is not expected to take over the post for an 11th year on the job. Gallagher told the Kennebec Journal in September that she intended to drop out of the race, but she was not able to do so in time to have her name taken off the ballot.

The city’s charter states that a vacancy on the board “shall be filled by an appointment made by the Mayor and ratified by the City Council, and the member so elected shall serve until the next regular or special municipal election when the vacancy shall be filled.” Mayor Mark Walker was not immediately available for comment.

A total of 684 ballots were cast in Hallowell.

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