I watched Senator Susan Collins speaking in the Senate recently about the high cost of prescription drugs. She illustrated the problem that too many of our families and neighbors face these days — being forced to choose whether to pay the rent or buy food or pay for expensive but necessary drugs.

She told stories that she has heard from Mainers who can’t afford to pay the rising cost of life-saving treatments like insulin or drugs that treat common conditions like arthritis and diabetes. And she told the story of an elderly couple who she saw walk away from the pharmacy counter, leaving their prescription behind, because they couldn’t afford to pay for it.

This is shameful. And it doesn’t matter to which political party we belong because we can all agree that we’re paying too much for prescription drugs. One poll shows 9 in 10 voters want Congress to act quickly to help bring down those rising costs.

Collins has heard the outcries, and she outlined the steps she has taken in the Senate to help, including a new bipartisan bill that she is supporting called the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act. Collins deserves our credit for recognizing the problem and working to solve it by passing laws to help bring down the prices of these necessary medications.

Regina Longyear

New Sharon