After reading Lisa Savage’s “Why I’m running for Senate” (Nov. 13), I went to the website of the Maine Green Independent Party, where I found their “10 Key Values.” I don’t disagree with any of them. Neither would most Democrats.

So I wonder: If Greens really believe in their “10 Key Values,” why continue to fracture the progressive vote in a futile attempt at ideological purity? We’ve all seen where that leads: George W. Bush in 2000 and Donald J. Trump in 2016.

If Greens really believe in their values, they should advocate for their ideas without dividing the progressive opposition to America’s worst tendencies. Bernie Sanders has shown the way. He and his supporters have done more to bring a progressive agenda into the political mainstream than the Green Party has accomplished in its entire existence. He did it within the framework of the Democratic Party.

It’s time for Greens to try a different approach. Organize as Green Democrats. Not only would your values fit nicely in the Democratic Party, your energy would combine with Bernie’s supporters and the new, very progressive generation of Democrats to move the party in the direction I’d like it to go.

Note that I’m not accusing the Greens of “working with the Russians.” As someone who has consistently and vocally opposed needless wars as far back as Vietnam, my concern is the cancer that is eating away at our country.

If you’re a member of the Green Party, ask yourself one question: considering your “10 Key Values,” will your conscience permit you to allow Donald J. Trump another four years to destroy everything you hold dear?

Progressives, united, can make sure that doesn’t happen.

John R. Merrill
