This coming March at the polls we will have a chance to stop government overreach in Maine by voting yes on Question 1.

Proponents of this bill will tell us parents still have a choice when it comes to making medical decisions for your child. What kind of choice is either homeschooling your child or forcing a medical procedure that you have seen cause them harm in the past? That is not a “choice.” It’s an ultimatum.

My yes vote on Question 1 is not an “anti-vax” vote. I have 11-year-old twins. Both have been vaccinated. One was fine with vaccines and will continue to receive them. The other twin was not fine. In fact, she suffered horribly after vaccines and is still dealing with those issues today. We as her parents, made the best medical decision for each child. As a result of L.D. 798, my daughter will be removed from school in 2021 for missing just one dose of one vaccine.

The choice to homeschool or make my daughter sick again is not any “choice” a parent should be forced to make, yet L.D. 798 does just that. As for single parents, it seems proponents don’t care about a single parent and sole bread winner for the family having to make this “choice.”

The government will never make a better medical decision than parents who do not make these choices lightly or without a great deal of thought. Please vote yes to reject government overreach so that all children of Maine can receive the education of their choice. 


Ronda Snyder
