The Wreaths Across America convoy travels on Route 1 in Brunswick Sunday night and will travel down the east coast until reaching Arlington National Cemetery Saturday. Darcie Moore / The Times Record

BRUNSWICK — A convoy of police cruisers and trucks carrying wreaths for fallen soldiers passed through Brunswick Sunday evening bound for Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

It was scheduled to travel from Lubec to Harrington Saturday, and from there make it to Portland Sunday and Princeton, Massachusetts, by Monday night.

In Brunswick, residents, police and firefighters met the parade of wreath-toting trucks, vans and police vehicles with sirens and flashing lights. A large American flag was suspended over Route 1 from Topsham and Brunswick ladder trucks.

Wreaths Across America is a Maine-based nonprofit that coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and other veterans’ cemeteries in all 50 states and beyond. This week the convoy, known as the longest veterans’ parade, is stopping to participate in ceremonies paying tribute to the country’s fallen heroes in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Washington, D.C., before arriving at Arlington on Saturday.

According to the Wreaths Across America website, the convoy is carrying 50,000 of the 250,000 wreaths that will be laid at Arlington National Cemetery.