SKOWHEGAN — The Somerset County Grand Jury handed up indictments Friday including one that charges a Pittsfield man with several drug-related offenses.

Peter Bragg Somerset County Sheriff’s Office photo
Peter Bragg, 53, was arrested on Oct. 22 and charged with aggravated drug trafficking, unlawful possession of drugs and criminal forfeiture after law enforcement officials searched his home, seizing about $13,000 worth of heroin, pills, scales, thousands of dollars in cash, drug documents and a vehicle.
Bragg was found to be trafficking heroin, furnishing money in exchange for drugs and providing a property to facilitate the transportation of the drugs.
An indictment is not a finding of guilt, but an indication that there is enough evidence in a case to move forward with a trial.
Other indictments handed up Friday covered cases involving drug offense and domestic violence cases.
• Curtron Moore, 32, of Monticello, New York, charged with two counts of aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs and one count of conspiracy to commit aggravated trafficking. On Oct. 22, Moore was found to be trafficking about 112 grams of cocaine and 6 grams of heroin with the intent to assist others in the transportation of the drugs.
• Geoffrey Stevens, 57, of New York, New York, charged with two counts of aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, one count of conspiracy to commit assist conspirators in the transportation of heroin or cocaine, one count of trafficking in prison contraband and one count of refusing to submit to arrest. On Oct. 22, Stevens was found to be trafficking 112 grams of cocaine and 6 grams of heroin. Additionally, Stevens was found to be conspiring with others to transport the drugs and was in possession of drugs while in custody.
• Benjamin K. Ard, 32, of Montville, charged with two counts of violating conditions of release and one count of harassment by telephone, which are alleged to have occurred between Sept. 24 and Oct. 2.
• Colby Michaud, 26, of Fairfield, charged with one count of aggravated assault and one count of domestic violence assault on Sept. 1. Michaud was convicted on April 28, 2019, of domestic violence terrorizing and on Feb. 7, 2012, for domestic violence assault.
• Richard Fortin, 43, of Madison, charged with three counts of domestic violence assault on Sept. 9.
• Justin Stevens, 28, of Skowhegan, charged with one count of domestic violence criminal threatening and one charge of violating conditions of release Sept. 1.
• Jason York, 39, of Cornville, charged with one count of domestic violence assault with a dangerous weapon and one charge of criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon Oct. 1.
• James Lane, 35, of Madison, charged with one count of domestic violence assault Aug. 18. Lane was convicted of domestic violence terrorizing on May 11, 2012.
• Timmy Smith, 43, of Madison, charged with one count of aggravated trafficking of a scheduled drug, one count of unlawful possession of a scheduled drug and three counts of endangering the welfare of a child. On Nov. 6, Smith was found to be in possession of more than 200 milligrams of fentanyl and was found to be recklessly endangering the health, safety and welfare of three children.
• Ryan Emery, 33, of New Portland, charged with one count of aggravated assault Aug. 25.
• Derek Avery, 37, of Exeter, charged with two counts of aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs and one count of disorderly conduct. On Sept. 27, Avery was found to be trafficking 6 grams of heroin within 1,000 feet of a public school. Additionally, Avery was found to have been intentionally causing an annoyance to others with loud and unreasonable noises.
• Frederick Patterson, 53, of Winslow, charged with one count of tampering with a victim, one count of violating a protective order and one count of violating conditions of release Aug. 28. Patterson was found to be coercing the victim of a criminal investigation to withhold testimony and violating a protective order.
• Stephanie Jones, 54, of Pittsfield, charged with one count of conspiracy to commit giving transportation to co-conspirators on Oct. 22. Jones was found to be conspiring to provide transportation to help traffick a scheduled drug.
• Vivian Davis, 44, of Hartland, charged with one count of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs and two counts of unlawful possession of scheduled drugs. On Oct. 2, Davis was found to be trafficking 6 grams of fentanyl and in possession of 200 milligrams of fentanyl and Ritalin.
• Riley O’Brien, 22, of Winslow, charged with one count of eluding an officer, one count refusing to submit to arrest, one count of driving to endanger and one count of operating without a license. On May 22, O’Brien was signaled to stop by a police officer, but eluded the officer and drove at a reckless rate of speed, resulting in a high-speed chase.
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