In response to the recent letter, “Collins must find moral compass,” I ask the writer, what’s yours? Perhaps the writer needs to wipe off her partisan lens and actually listen to what Sen. Susan Collins has said instead of taking cheap shots at her.

Sen. Collins has said she is committed to a fair impeachment process and has pushed Senate leaders to come to an agreement. She said she is open to hearing from witnesses, but made clear that there is an appropriate place for that in this process, just as there was during the Clinton impeachment trial — which, by the way, was just fine for partisan Democrats at that time. But now you’re complaining?

The writer clearly doesn’t support President Trump, and that is her prerogative. But to launch false accusations and smear Sen. Collins without facts to back up her case is certainly not fair. I may not always agree with Sen. Collins, but I know she adheres to the rules of the Senate.

Remember she voted not to impeach Bill Clinton, which means she’s not voting by party but by her convictions. She will hear the allegations and all the evidence and make an honest vote. What more can we ask from our Maine senator?

Penny Morrell