WATERVILLE — Spectrum Generations in partnership with Healthy Living for ME will offer a workshop for adults who are interested in learning how to prevent falls and relieve arthritic pain. Tai Chi for Health and Balance will be offered March 3 through April 23. Workshops participants will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:45 a.m. at the Muskie Community Center, at 38 Gold St.
The class is an effective exercise program for improving health and well-being, proven to help prevent falls and relieve pain for those living with arthritis. Participants focus on improving strength, balance, and mental health. This low-impact exercise is performed in slow, fluid movements that are easy on the joints and can be done either sitting or standing.
Cost for the eight-week class is $45 and registration is required.
For more information, visit healthylivingforme.org, call 1-800-620-6036 or email info@healthylivingforme.org.
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