Bravo for Dr. Seeley, not only for the brave work she is doing by being an out trans physician, but also for her dedication to provide primary care to rural Mainers of all sexual orientations (“Farmington doctor leads by example when it comes to LGBTQ care in rural Maine,” Feb. 9).

I want to clarify one aspect of your article, though: We have far more than “only two” medical practitioners in central Maine caring for the LGBTQ community. A typical day in my primary care practice finds a shoulder injection in one room, a well-child check of an infant I delivered in another, a hormone adjustment for a transperson in the next room, and a discussion about contraception following that.

The Maine Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency (Augusta and Waterville), Dr. Seeley’s training site, welcomes a wide range of patients and offers LGBTQ-affirming primary care (preventative health and acute care) as well as gender-affirming therapy. Dr. Seeley graduated before my arrival here as faculty; we currently have a robust educational program that includes queer and inclusive health care.

Also in central Maine, both Mabel Wadsworth Center in Bangor and Maine Family Planning, a statewide organization with locations throughout central and northern Maine, offer gender-affirming care for trans patients and sexual/reproductive health services for all people.

Thank you for your article highlighting the need for affirming and welcoming primary care. In the future, please be cautious about assuming that a single national database accurately represents the care available in the state.

Julia McDonald, DO MPH
