The rising price of prescription drugs has led to a full-blown health care crisis. I have heard countless stories from Maine patients and their loved ones about how high drug prices has led to devastating consequences. In fact, a recent study found that in 2017, nearly one-third of Mainers stopped taking their prescription medications as prescribed by their doctors. Rationing medications by splitting pills in half or skipping doses can lead to severe consequences.

Despite the mounting crisis of affordability, brand name drug manufacturers continue to employ a host of anti-competitive, price-gouging and shady tactics that allow them to hike prices at rates that far out-pace inflation with little consequence. It’s increasingly clear that without legislative action in Washington, Big Pharma will always place profits over patients.

Thankfully, Sen. Susan Collins has backed an important drug pricing bill that has a real shot of making it to the president’s desk. The Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2019 has passed out of the Senate Finance Committee with bipartisan support and includes a number of market-based solutions championed by members in both chambers and on both sides of the aisle. These reforms would enhance transparency, increase competition and provide much-needed reform to Medicare Part D. These reforms are supported by over 70% of Mainers across the political spectrum.

It’s time for Congress to finally hold Big Pharma accountable and to lower drug prices by passing the bipartisan market-based solutions outlined in The Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2019.

Jonathan Moynahan
