Finally, the policemen and women in the city of Augusta will receive their well-deserved reward of a new police station. The daily police blotter reveals that there is a high need for law enforcement in this city with a population of 18,000 residents, the 10th-largest city in the state of Maine.

The Augusta fire department owns six stations: three active, round-the-clock stations and three dormant stations. It’s been mentioned that the Union Street land, where our police station sits today, has tainted soil. However, a YMCA was built on that same land. Why is there suddenly a controversy regarding the soil? Over the last 70 years, thousands of our youth have played sports in that location, but it’s not good enough for a building today?

I don’t feel that tearing down the lower Water Street property is a viable option due to the expense that would be incurred, and it does not seem to be an ideal placement for our police station. I feel that the Willow Street property would be the most ideal spot, because of its excellent central location and the fact that it contains a sturdy, existing building, resulting in less taxes for the taxpayers to shoulder.

Further, I believe our police men and women should have the most input as to what would work best for them. City officials should be asking our law enforcement officers what they would like the end result to be.


Marshall “Duke” Dulac
