I am a physician who has practiced ophthalmology in Augusta for over 30 years. I am a member of the Maine Medical Association board of directors, a statewide professional organization of physicians, residents, and medical students whose mission includes promoting the health of all Maine citizens.

I’m writing to encourage you to vote no on Question 1 to protect Maine children on March 3. Medical and scientific evidence proves that vaccines are safe and effective. They protect all Mainers, including vulnerable children and adults who cannot be immunized for medical reasons.

Simply put, advances in modern medicine have made vaccine-preventable illnesses essentially a thing of the past. We cannot afford to lose the protections that community-immunity provided by basic vaccines, thereby risking the re-emergence and outbreaks of diseases such as measles.

I really have never met a disease I liked. I speak to all of my patients about vaccinations. I hope you’ll join me in learning more about the No on 1 Campaign to Protect Maine’s Children at www.protectmaineschildren.com.

Maroulla S. Gleaton, M.D.
