If you have already made up your mind to vote yes on Question 1, experience has shown there is little hope to change your mind. On the other hand, if you are still trying to make up your mind or just don’t feel it is important to go to the polls on March 3, please take in to consideration the indisputable facts as outlined below.

First and foremost, this vote was never about Big Pharma. The Yes on One camp only chose this tactic when they could no longer promote their flawed position based on science and medical facts.

Secondly, this vote does not, as many would like you to believe, eliminate a parent’s right to vaccinate or not vaccinate their child. What a no vote does is ensure that we, as a community, have done everything in our power to protect those most vulnerable among us. As pediatricians, we concern ourselves with the universal health of all kids.

Please ask yourself the following questions: Do I know anyone who has had or is currently dealing with cancer? Do I know anyone with a premature infant? Do I know anyone who has a chronic disease such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, or kidney disease? Do I have any sick or elderly friends or relatives? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have a moral obligation to go to the polls and vote no on Question 1. This is the only way you will help to ensure the health of your loved ones.

We cannot stress enough that in this particular vote, your single vote really does matter. You have entrusted the health and well-being of your loved ones to us over the last three decades. Please, once again, trust our combined pediatric expertise of almost 125 years.

Kieran Kammerer, M.D., FAAP

Carol Mansfield, M.D, M.P.H, FAAP


(This letter was written with the local support of doctors Lara Walsh, M.D., FAAP, Dianna Baker, M.D., FAAP, Gerard Rubin, D.O., FAAP, and Musa Bolkent, M.D., FAAP.)