At 85 years of age I sit here writing this in total bewilderment at all of the little blue signs proliferating our highways reading “Yes on 1 – Reject Big Pharma.” This is a misnomer in that they should read “Yes on 1 – Reject Child Health.” If we want to reject Big Pharma we need to address them directly and not try to compromise our children’s and the general citizenry’s good health while doing it.

It is readily apparent to me that our society has grown so secure from the outstanding success of childhood immunizations that we have forgotten how common childhood death and permanent disability were a half century, or more, ago and still are in many parts of the world.

As a child three-quarters of a century ago, I haven’t forgotten the anguish of my parents every time that I contracted a childhood disease, and of the agony that I went through after contracting the diseases. While I didn’t contract polio, I had several schoolmates that were less fortunate. Some were crippled for life and one died after several months in an “iron lung” respirator.

Those of us who have been fortunate enough to grow up on a farm are aware that we have to immunize all of the farm animals. If more than 5% aren’t immunized, we lose the herd immunity factor. Humans aren’t dissimilar in that when we reach a point when over 5% aren’t immunized, herd immunity fails.

Vaccine effectiveness isn’t a matter of opinion. It’s a scientific fact we need to act responsibly. That means getting ourselves and our children vaccinated to protect ourselves, our families and our communities.

Please join me in voting no on Question 1.


Albert L. Godfrey Sr.
