WATERVILLE — GHM Insurance downtown is aiming to raise $10,000 in 10 weeks to benefit four local nonprofit groups that are struggling during the coronavirus pandemic.


Bill Mitchell

The Quotes for Community benefit, launched Tuesday, is partnering with the Waterville Boys & Girls Club meals program, Spectrum Meals on Wheels, The Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter and Humane Society Waterville Area, according to GHM owner Bill Mitchell.

Mitchell said GHM is putting the word out that, for each person who allows GHM to give them an insurance quote, the agency will donate $10 to one of the four nonprofit organizations, with the caller designating which organization the $10 goes to. Callers do not have to purchase insurance from GHM, he said.

“The four organizations are incredibly excited,” Mitchell said. “They’re going to help us promote the fundraiser.”

GHM’s effort is  a godsend to the Humane Society, which is having a very difficult time during the coronavirus pandemic, according to animal shelter Executive Director Lisa Oakes.

“It’s definitely going to help us,” Oakes said Tuesday. “It’s fantastic. I had to lay off half my staff on Friday — 10 people. I’m probably going to have to lay off more by the end of the week. We haven’t had any revenue. We were days away from launching another fundraising campaign and everything happened, so we’re really, really struggling.”


Oakes said she hopes the layoffs will be temporary. The shelter is trying to get as many of its 65 animals adopted or fostered out as quickly as possible. She said the shelter can’t get more animals spayed or neutered because veterinarians’ offices are closed. Most of the animals in the shelter now are cats, she said.

Oakes said the shelter is closed to the public but taking appointments for people to adopt or foster pets. She was working from home on Tuesday, reaching out to every possible donor available, writing grant applications and applying for loans, she said.

Mitchell, meanwhile, was interviewed by Mix 107.9 radio and GHM is pushing the fundraiser on Facebook and other social media, he said.

“In 10 weeks if we get 100 quotes a week, we will raise $10,000 by the end of May,” Mitchell said. “We think we can do 1,000 quotes in 10 weeks, for $100 a week. We could get more requests — we don’t know.”

People are asked simply to call GHM at 873-5101 or go to the agency’s website, ghmagency.com and leave a phone number.