AUGUSTA — For nearly five decades, Joe Linscott gave hours upon hours of his time to the Augusta baseball community.

On Saturday, that community gave him something in return.

Linscott, a well-known presence in the city’s baseball scene who helped build up and maintain the Capital Area Recreation Association sports complex, was inducted into the Maine Babe Ruth Hall of Fame, and given a parade in front of his house near Cony High School to celebrate the occasion.

After Capital Area Babe Ruth president Mike Bechard, joined by other Babe Ruth board members, gave Linscott, 86, a plaque certifying his induction, a procession of cars came down Cider Court in front of his home, with Babe Ruth coaches and players, some holding up signs, expressing their congratulations and gratitude.

It was a touching tribute for Linscott, who said he was moved by the event.

“I’m kind of overwhelmed,” he said. “I had absolutely no idea this was occurring. I just can’t say enough. What I’ve done has been something that I enjoy doing, and I’ve been fortunate that there have been some great people that have helped out over the years.”


Capital Area Babe Ruth board member Steve Brooks said the reception Linscott got from different generations exemplified the impact he’s had on the community.

“The CARA complex wouldn’t be what it is without Joe Linscott,” Brooks said. “He’s meant everything.”

Linscott’s involvement with Augusta baseball began in 1971 when his son was playing Little League, and in 1974 he was part of a group that began the process of turning Piggery Road from a single field and farmland into a serious home for Little League baseball and Babe Ruth baseball and softball, as well as other forms of recreation like basketball and horseshoes.

“He was the driving force behind all of it,” former Augusta Babe Ruth president Al Cloutier said.

Linscott, who has one of the Little League fields on the road named after him, said he’s taken pride in seeing what the area has become.

“I think we had a dream that we could extend the athletic facilities along the Piggery Road, but I’m not sure that we or anybody else in this area thought that it would become a reality,” he said. “Things just kind of fell into place. And one thing I’ve been quite proud of is the fact that I’ve been involved, in some degree, in everything that’s been constructed.”


Linscott’s also been active in maintaining the fields and facilities, giving countless hours to help preserve a complex that relies on volunteer work.

“I kind of have been working under Joe’s wing, and I’ve learned an awful lot about everything, anything that pertains to baseball,” Brooks said. “But also, working around the complex. Joe’s a very smart man, and he knows how to do anything. I don’t care if it comes to putting up fence or moving fence or anything having to do with field maintenance. … He’s been a great inspiration to me.”

Cloutier said Linscott’s dedication to seeing the complex thrive has stood out.

“He’s just so genuine,” Cloutier said. “This is kind of an outlet for him at the ball field. Whenever he started a project, he made sure he finished it. He knew where to find help and he wasn’t afraid to ask. He certainly led by example, and we all followed right behind him.”

Linscott called the work he’s done to create and maintain the property a form of “therapy.”

“I love to be outdoors, for one thing,” he said. “I really like to see things grow. I didn’t consider it being a job by any stretch, just a labor of love.”